THABIWOGA (a word game I invented) (The stuff on this webpage was mentioned on page 215 in my book.)

I am having trouble getting this game to work the way it's supposed to. I have asked Gumpy (my grandfather who teaches computers at Yale) for help, but he may not be able to work with me until school is out for the summer, so I don't know when it'll get fixed.


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Comments from my Readers & Friends

  1. civullaelpeinymatmewooianturtin means please help me find my math homework so I can turn it in.

  2. i saw this word in a book that was spelled like this aaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (someone screaming).

  3. The longest word that is not a chemical name is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It is a lung disease!!

    1. Maybe…if you count chemical names as English dictionary words. If so, there’s no limit to how long a word can be.
      [I had to shorten your word because it took up too much room on my webpage. Sorry.]

    1. It is…except it really isn’t a word. It’s the name of a chemical and isn’t really English. It’s really Chemical-ese or something.

    2. It’s not actually a real word. It’s a chemical name, and there’s actually no limit to the length of a chemical name. This one (I looked it up) is the longest one they’ve written out, but there are actually longer names they just don’t write up.
      (I had to shorten your word because it almost crashed my website.)

  4. I have this dictionary and on the very last page it has this very long word ad it says that it has 1,909 letters in it and says it means this “it is a term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8” (don’t ask me what that is!)”A Tryptophan synthetase A protein,a enzyme that has 267 amino acids”thats really what it says!trust me!

    1. It’s a chemical name…which is kind of cheating because you can just make a more complicated chemical with a longer name.

    1. My little brother’s nickname is. Hagahendersonjermeypeenieweenissonnyhiddlyfoofydumbibblyquittsypittsyponywhipoyblaableeblaa

  5. I know it is a fake word but hgfegccgdyfdgyfhdgyfdggVvgyxdggdvGvgvgvvgehdsghdggyyeuwiixhbxbxnsnsjiskBbHHJjiiwhsnn

    1. No. I kind of gave up. It’s way to hard to make this game work. I’d need to be some kind of computer game genius.

  6. It wouldnt let me put it. it has 189,819 letters and takes 3 hours to pronounce! Sorry, go to go up to read in my bed! BYE!

  7. Hello!!! I am a huge fan! You came to my school once and gave me an autograph!!! I love your books!!!

  8. you are awesome and you’re no.1! you’re way better than diary of a wimpy kid and stuff

  9. try and pronounce this: gdbfhdfbgdfgdfbgugenaieuviiuyer7ty7vruovgtiwnwnytywrutnvuwhemcwhrhnvnvhmsdfhvnhghfugfgbnvbcbugherbluir

    1. Because making a game that works turned out to be MUCH HARDER than I thought it would be.

    1. Yeah, but as I’ve commented many time on this webpage, chemical names are not exactly words. They can be as long as forever!

    1. I know that word, but I have a better one. It’s PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS.


    3. Yeah, but I think medical and chemical words are sort of cheating…because they can be as long as you want.

    4. Yeah, because this word was actually a joke to mimic long random chemical words. But for some reason it is a word.

    5. Hmmmm. Let me try to spell that word. ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM. Did I get that right?

    6. Maxim Zubic’s Dictionary of Words
      Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – ______________________________________________
      Hippopomontrosesquipped – Having to do with a very long word!
      Antidisestablishmentarianism – ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
      Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniosis – Sickness from breathing volcano dust
      Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – See Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniosis
      Pneumonovoltrocaniosis – See Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniosis

  10. Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylgiutamylserylleucylphenylalanyetc. This is only 62 of the 1909 letters in the longest word in the English language.

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