What’s the Best Board Game?

monopoly boardI like games that make you think. Ones that aren’t just luck.

Monopoly is my favorite board game because, like I described in Cheesie Mack Is Sort of Freaked Out, even though you roll dice (and of course what you roll is total luck), there are strategies that can help you win.

And I found out from my cousins in Australia that there’s a version that changes the names of all the properties to names in Sydney, which is the most populous city in Australia. For example, the yellow propertiesAustralian Monopoly cards: Cronulla Beach, Bondi Beach, and Manly Beach in the USA are Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, and Marvin Gardens. In the Sydney version they are all beaches: Cronulla Beach, Bondi Beach (which is where my cousins live), and Manly Beach.

I’ve played millions of board games. What’s your favorite?

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