Video Game Story

Since you probably came to this page because you are reading my fourth book, you probably know that I like to write lots of mini-chapters. asteroidThey are supposed to seem like they come from other books. I’ve done sci-fi…

“Activate hyper-neutron gravity acceleration! There’s an asteroid heading right toward us!”


“As we walked through the meadow, our legs and our arms brushed by the flowers, which tinkled like charms, or maybe they sounded much more like the clinks of ice in a tall glass when somebody drinks.”


Lava and steam
Leigh Hilbert: by permission

“Lava poured down the mountainside, dropping into the sea with a rumbling hiss. I turned to warn Gee-Org to watch his step…but he had disappeared inside a blinding cloud of steam.”

“The room was completely empty except for a small table on which sat a lighted candle and an open cook book. I looked at it closely in the dim light. The recipe was for Roast Duck. I was sure this was a clue. I was also sure I was hungry.”

…and lots more.

The video game story in this book is what a video game might seem like if it were a fiction book instead of a game. The “fictional” video game I made up is Underground Quest, and it takes place in disgusting sewers and other underground places.

Just in case you couldn’t figure the Underground Quest game out, here’s what’s what.

Setting: Since we had climbed inside the sewer pipe, I absolutely had to put this game somewhere dark and gross and underground.

Characters: Makko, Zinkov, and Old Gramps (I’m not going to explain them…it’s too obvious.) And you absolutely should be able to guess why Zinkov is a sorcerer.

Creatures: The slime mice came from my imagining what the creatures we saw in the sewer might be if they were super-sized. The stench magic wandglobblins I just made up. (I tried to imagine the stinkiest smell ever when I wrote about these guys. And I called them globbins because they seemed to me like they were globbier than goblins.)

Tools: The wand was made out of osmium because we had talked about that heavy metal in science class.

Treasure: Zinkov and Makko are searching for a ring. (And so were Georgie and I!)

What are the coolest and lamest video games you’ve ever played?

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