Everyone calls me Cheesie, but my real name is Ronald A. Mack. The A is for Apton, which is a weird middle name. It’s my mother’s maiden name. I think most kids HATE their middle names. I actually don’t. R. Apton Mack is actually kind of cool sounding…but I like Cheesie best.
Here’s some stuff about me:
- I have brown hair, brown eyes, and three freckles on my nose. I also have a whitish scar on my thumb where a fishhook stabbed me when I was on a lake with my dad. I was eight and fooling around. Don’t ask.
- My birthday is August 16. I’m now 11, which is, IMO, a very cool age to be.
- My ears stick out. But you can probably see that in my picture above. It used to bother me, but now that I’ve written about my ears in my book, a zagillion (that’s a gazillion times bigger than a gazillion) people know, so I say…so what? And this is the last time I’m going to mention them on my website!
- I have three grandparents (plus one who died a long time ago), two aunts, two uncles, and two first cousins. I also have the meanest older sister in Massachusetts. Maybe the United States. Maybe the world! Those tiny boxes and circles to the right are my family tree (which I made as a school assignment in fourth grade). Click on it to see it bigger and learn more about everyone in my family.
- I am a very fast runner. One of the fastest in my class, but I haven’t actually raced every kid. I’m on the sixth grade cross country team.
- I like sports. Especially baseball and soccer. And I’m a good swimmer.
- I read lots of books. Especially adventures.
- I love to write about my adventures.
- I love words.
- And I like making lists…like this one.
If you want to know anything else about me, just ask below.
oops….HAPPY JLUY4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what does IMO and BWT stand for?
IMO = in my opinion
BTW = by the way
alex dosen’t look deewb-y.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But IMO Alex looks, acts, and is dweeby.
I now know what kevin lookes like.I still don’t know what alex lookes like.I looked at kevin in your book.Then I looked at the pizza party pic.I saw kevin.why was he there?was Ms.Crespo ever invited?
That is NOT Kevin at the pizza party. It’s his dweeby little brother Alex. Georgie did NOT invite Alex. Lana did. Mrs. Crespo was there. She took the pictures…and put LOTS of red pepper on her pizza because she said she really likes spicy food!
Cheesie,I have a to-do list.do you have a to-do list?if you do,can you tell me the top two things you want to do? if you were to have any other name besides ronald or cheesie or chee,what would you want that name to be?can you put a picutre of alex and kevien welch(alex on top)
Nope. No to-do list for me. I like my name and nicknames, so I don’t have another I’d like. There’s a picture of Kevin on page 126. Alex looks a lot like him, just dweebier.
Hey Cheesie. Hve you ever wished you had different coloured eyes or hair? By the way, has your sister EVER been nice to you?
Good questions…
Hair? Nope.
Eyes? Yes, my Aunt Brenda has a cat with two differently colored eyes. I think that would be cool.
And Goon? Hmmm. I’m thinking…
Nope…not that I can remember.
maxxmius,you can not p.s.s. 2 times! I have a ulcelele.cheesie,first you say you play kazoo.now you say you don’t play.what’s up with that?
Well, yeah, I said I play the kazoo. If you think that’s really an instrument…
The way I play it, I’m not so sure.
Melville says hello
Hey Cheesie, your book rocks! I couldn’t think of any other book cooler than this ! You and Georgie are awesome! Please reply ASAP 😀
P.S.: Do you have a crush on Lana ? You kept describing about her..
P.S.S.: Do you play any instument ? I play the piano.
P.S.S.: I can’t wait to try a BLART and a BLT sandwich!
From: Maximus To: Messers Cheesie and Georgie. ( Kinding about the Messers ! )
No, I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH on Lana! Just the opposite. She gets on my nerves.
I do not play any instruments.
oh yes you do have a crush on Lana, you never mentioned her getting on your nerves in your book.
I did too. Read page 141.
I bet that “goon” is a real pain because you call her “goon”
She was a pain long before I came up with that nickname.
Hey cheesie, i wonder how does Goon dislike u and started the point battle?
I have NO idea. It all started so long ago. Someday, when Goon is in a good mood (yeah, right), I’ll ask her.
Hey Cheesie I’ve gotta joke, answer if you can ! 🙂
Question: What did the crossed-eye teacher say ???
Please answer A.S.A.P !!!
My pupils won’t stay where they belong!
nope. The answer u gave is pretty close. The answer is : i cant control my pupils! Nice try!
Hey, I have a question. There was one page that showed a VAMPIRE at the window and you pointed “Do not mess with this vampire!” or whatever, who was that vampire ? Was G.J Prott the vampire ? PLEASE REPLY. 🙂 Thx.
It’s Geejape Rott, the Most Bloodthirsty Vampire in Massachusetts (which is the title of Chapter 7). But if you read page 86 carefully, you’ll see that I explain what’s wrong with the paragraph that talks about Geejape Rott. I don’t want to say anything else here, because some kids haven’t read the book…and I don’t want to give anything away. Ow-hooo-eeeee. Bwa-ha-ha!
Too bad that ow-hooo-eeeee doesn’t scare Goon out!
Hey Cheesie !!! I am a BIG fan right after reading your book a few minutes ago !!! Awesome ! Especially the Butt-Banging Part! 🙂
cheesie,I am in the top 5 fastest kids in my class.
I’m the fastest girl
Can’t WAIT to try a BLART sandwich. I LOVE BLTs but adore avocados and ranch dressing and am not afraid of a mess!! For a good cause..
I’m a Mom but I love your book and this is a really cool website!
Thanks! I’m a big fan of Moms. I have a great one!
Good. We’re pretty cool! And have kids that read your books! 😉
I have only had lobster a few times, but i really like crab and shrimp. Yum! 🙂
What is your favorite food? BLART sandwiches? Or is there something else you like? I voted for Mac and Cheesie on the voting for your favorite food.
I do like BLART sandwiches a lot, but lobster (Go Gloucester!) is my fav.
I think a delish sandwich would be a Makenzie and Cheesie sandwich, get it?🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼 sorry couldn’t resist I totally 💟 🐼!📕📕📓📓
I think your comment is really excellent, but Cheesie refuses to comment.
your not real!!!!!you were made up by this guy STEVE COTLER!reply!”cheesie”
You’re entitled to your opinion, but wait a minute!
Maybe you’re made up by someone, and there’s really no such person as Isaac.
I’ve got a good idea!you know that I post alot?well,I’m going to stick to this comment for days.good idea,right?I,m making a website of my own called JAKE’S LIFE.it will probly be out by the end of the summer.in your next book will you name a person ISAAC.it’s spelled I-S-A-A-C.andplese make a person named jake.that’s J-A-K-E.the reason is I do a comick called JAKE’S LIFE.it’s really funny!I’m not joking!(get it?) I want you to write THE MYSTRY OF THE NON-FIYING UNDIES. pleese!!!!!!!!!it would be good!people would love it!oh,if you did it,would you give me some creadet?I mean, I helped you think it up. commenters who don’t know about this go to HOW TO TOSS STUFF OVER YOUR HEAD WITH YOUR TOES.by geo. speaking of geo, does he like that name-or-nick name.wichever one. my parents named me after theese people:Isaac newton, Isaac asmov,and my grandfathers ISAAC(I don’t know their last names.) I need alot of anwsers from you!
Whew! That’s a long comment.
I have actually already written Book#2 (Cheesie Mack Is Cool in a Duel) and there is actually a kid named Isaac in it. But everyone calls him Zip, because he is famous for being the slowest guy in every race, so he got a zippy nickname. No Jake, though.
Georgie likes to be called Georgie.
oh,thank you.
I really want to know how you know about rillkid!!!!!!!(Im really loud) youve got a great website!plese reply.(I say that alot)
I just figured it out from what you wrote. REALLY LIKED = rellkid.
Oh!did I menshion that my full name gives me a cool nick name?? my full name is Isaac goodman gray. my nick name is igg.but I like iggy better. wich do you like?pleese reply.p.s.: havent I been writing to you alot??pleese anwser.OH isent this long??????????
IGGY is a way cool nickname. My initials spell RAM, which is also cool, but I think IGGY is cooler.
no no not like that. I mean like what name will you go by??? Ronald? Cheesie? Chee? or runt?(just joking!!!)
Oh, I get it. Probably Ronald, but I really like the way Chee sounds. Very cool.
hey cheesie did you know that isaac iggy and iggray are all the same person?my real name is ISAAC.oh and I have a questgain.(im not that good at spelling)what do you plain on going by when you are an adult?
I kind of figured you were all the same. I don’t know what I’ll be. (Maybe an author!) Georgie wants to be a cartoonist or a jet pilot.
how do you know what rillkid means?
im bored right now.I have your book from the librey.but I already read your book!goon sounds really mean.(dont tell goon I called goon)
me and my friend rellkid CHEESIE MACK !!!!!!!!! (that last senctese wasent really that loud)
I get it! “Rellkid” means “really liked.” Cool.
cheesie mack was SO good!I reaiiy wish it was longer!!I really liggaft!!!
I don’t know what “liggaft” means.
it means laughed and giggeld.
Haha! Good one. I’m going to put it on my Cool Words page.
Our 5th grade class loves the book i visited this site from the info in book we hope for another one soon we thought his one was bbestamazook!
Thanks! I appreciate the compliment.
And you are coming to our school do you know of a Loma Verde Elementary
See you June 8!
Will you please come to my school! It is Neithercut elementary school in flint Michigan on Westbrook lane, I would really appreciate it!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁
Oops sorry not Westbrook, CRESTBROOK lane
I was just there on March 23! Were you absent?
Oops sorry not Westbrook, crestbrook
I am a 6th,grader and you only saw k-5, we met this guy named Jon scieszka
He’s a really terrif author, isn’t he?
Yes he is but I would have liked to have met you lol. Hey, got a couple jokes for you. 1.What do you call a teenage girl mountain?
2. What is bigfoot’s sons name?
Here are my guesses:
1. Miss Hill-ary
2. Toe-Knee
(they are not such good answers, but it’s the very best I could do!)
Wrong and wrong lol answered
1. Mount whateverest
2. Harry Kidd
My birthday is tomorrow I’m sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!
Bappy Hirthday!
You said bappy birthday lol
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I’m bored
My Granpa says, “If you’re bored, you’re probably BORING. So do something!”
I’m going shopping tmrw aka later today since its technically Saturday
Hello I am reading your 4th book and I am liking it so far
I would like to invite you all to a special pizza party. Admission is my book.
be quiet cheesie imposter
Do you play the piano?
I do not play any musical instrument except the kazoo. And I’m not very good at that!
I play the Clarinet, the Guitar, and the piano. I also Sing a little 😉
I wish I could play an instrument well…but I can’t.
barnes and noble
I play flute, claret, trumpet,and a little guitar.
I play every instment in the world
Every instrument?! How about the balalaika and the theremin?
I like your 3rd book cheesie
Thanks, Boston. (My mother works at Logan Airport in BOSTON!)
hi cheesie how are you today i love your books so much
I play the violin and I’m okay at it, but after a while it gets kinda boring you know. I really want to be an author when I grow up. I am in 6th grade and I have not published it but I have a book called Urnta, if you want to know what it’s about, please answer this comment thank u!
Yes…what’s it about? I love the title.
I play piano and trumpt
I bet you are good.
yes i do Im chessie okay
Bogus Cheesie tries to comment.
You know it’s the REALLY real Cheesie if the comment has a light green background
Thank you Mr. Mack I love your book. Thanks for writing the awesome book.
Your comment is the first time in my whole life that anyone has ever called me “Mr. Mack.” (It sounds weird.)
Cheesie, Do you have any ideas of how to make dishes fun?
Please, Please,answer me! soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!
Everything I’ve tried to make doing dishes fun just stretches it out and makes me work longer…so I just do them as rapidly as I can…and get it over with.
And if I don’t respond to a comment right away, it’s because I have lots of homework.
Are you the real Cheesie? Usually your comments have a tan box around them.
sounds like you have TONS OF HOMEWORK with a bold T ! 🙁
My friend loves your book. She recomended it to me. Where can I buy it? 🙂 Love, Jeana
You could try Borders in Dubuque. Or any local bookstore can order it for you if it’s not in stock, and you should get it in just a couple of days. Or you can click on one of the icons on my home page and order it online.
I am enjoying your book. Thank you for writing it. It is very funny. I’m glad I stumbled upon it. ( I might read Sherlock Homes now!)
I love Sherlock Holmes! He’s so smart.
I wonder why no parents ever name their kids Sherlock.
when will the 2nd book be out
Look on the upper right side of this page or click this link
who is Steve Cotler?
You mean that guy whose picture is on the inside of the back cover of my book? You can read all about him at http://www.stevecotler.com.
who is your fave show cheesie?
I actually don’t watch much TV, if that’s what you mean. I’m too busy playing with my friends, reading books, and writing books.
happy early bday cheesie i love mac n cheese to !
Thanks, but my birthday is in August! You can see about my last birthday by clicking: http://cheesiemack.com/my-birthday/
who wrote you!!!!please tell me!!!!!!!!
The answer to your question is on the cover of my book.
Hey cheesie have an important question 2 ask u, if u had parents who always yell and probably treat u like cinderella what do i do:[!!!!!!
I don’t know. That sounds terrible. But I am totally not qualified to answer such a hard question.
i love the book my whole class is reading it (really my teacher is reading it aloud)and my best friend Erin is loving the book so much and u r so suptastic (another made up word i do that a lot to) from music
Is that super-fantastic?
Great made-up word.
I <3 music 2!!!!!!!!! 😀
It’s so beatifun! ( beautiful+Fun= Beautifun)
Good word!
Your so cun=cute fun
Hey that is so funny cuz the day you posted this comment is my birthday!
Happy Bday!
hey the guy that wrote this book you did good
i think you all are going to LOVE!!!!!!!!!
For description number three. are you sure you haven’t heard it a quadrillion times? or a decillion? or a centillion?
centillion=1 with 303 zeroes after it
How about a googolplex? That’s 1 with a googol of zeros. Of course, it would be impossible for a googolplex of people to know, since there isn’t even enough space in the universe to write out the full number googolplex.
Lame. You don’t have to be smart.🤓 Just kidding
I have a strange-but-cool middle name too. Mine is English, after my grandfather.
Can you PLEASE make a sequal? THANK YOU!
i love this book sooooooooooooooooooo much and im only on the 3rd chapt. good job cheesie!!
well,this book will get even better when you finish it.
That’s fine. When I grow up I would like to become an animator for a movie. P.S. I think you should become an author.
Ha! An author…why didn’t I think of that!?
I think you should be an author too I’m reading your book right now in Barnes&Noble and it’s a pretty AWSEMAZING book anyway I want to be an Fashion Designer/Author when I grow up
I want to be a soccer player⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️
Good luck!
So do I, I even play on a team! It’s awesomeazing!
Guess what I just bought your book on my nook I’m on chapter eight YAY AWESMAZING
AWESMAZING is an awesome and amazing word. Maybe I’ll use it in my next book!
I got it off of this tv show I watch every Saturday called Jimmy Twoshoes
This is for meekness? I play on Sparta
Hi Cheesie! I’m in 5th grade and I have an advanced copy. I want to know what you want to be when you grow up?
Wow! Good question. I don’t exactly know because there are so many things I am interested in. Georgie wants to be a cartoonist or a Navy jet fighter pilot. But I’m still thinking. What do you want to be, Jacob?
P.S.–Sorry I took so long to reply. Somehow I overlooked this comment until now.
Dear Cheesie,
r u still friends with Ms. prott? she seemed like such a nice lady. i have a question. R u or Ms. prott real?
Yes, I am still friends with Ms. Prott. Remember…Georgie and I agreed to do yard work and shovel her snow for a year…so we’re still doing that.
She gives us cookies.
Dear cheesie,
I’m so sorry I keep asking u questions and such. I just wanted to tell u I think your book was amazilicious! I ate it right up! Plz tell everyone I say hi especially Georgie. He is one of my fav characters!
Lila Coley 😀
Thanks for your amazilicious compliment!
do you do it all for the cookies or do you do it for the money and does she pay you
If you recall, she paid us with camp, so we are actually paying her back.
add amazalicios to your word book or whatever it will get alot of peoples attention