In Cheesie Mack Is Not a Genius or Anything, I described our fifth-grade graduation party (which was entirely fun, except for Goon’s massive interference…). One of the things I wrote was:
I took a huge running start, then scoogled (this is my made-up word . . . it is a combination of scoot and wiggle) on the Slip ’N Slide and skivolvunged butt-first into the dirt, which was actually mud.
And then I asked:
Can you guess what “skivolvunged” is a three-way combo of?
Here’s the answer:
If you have a different answer, I would love to know it. Please comment below.
Does the small “l” in “lunged” look like a number 1 to you? It does on my computer.
IMO, that is a big mistake in typography (my mom says that’s what the look of letters and numbers on a page or screen is called). I’m going to type them together so you can see how similar they are:
Weird, huh?
on my computer it looks like a 1 2.:)
i know right
i is confoused
yes very weird but how did u make that up cheesie
diyjah, u know what?
i know that!
btw i live in houston!!!
hey!! do u know what this is?
Sounds like a cat puking up a hairball!
Hahaha! You are very close… It is a cat throwing up a BLARF sandwich!! ;P
I know right. what duz this sound like ? barkkarbacker
Sounds like a dog chasing an old VW!
I don’t understand. I know that RACECAR is a palindrome, but what does your comment mean?
crazegoobwafflwater! guess what that means Cheesie!
L 1 I : spot the difference
Hey Cheesie try guessing what this means… Stypaylikhorson!!! haha
This is too hard. I have no idea! What?
In case you don’t know them.. One Direction is a British boy band that is really popular right now and it their last names all put together!! Harry STYles, Liam PAYne, Zayn MaLIK, Niall HORan, and Louis TomlinSON…
You’re too tricky. How could anyone EVER guess that?
Wow I can’t believe it I was actually right!
What does boostevkey mean
I have no idea about this either! What?
hey cheesie what do you think this means isvrflatirn
I have no idea! What?
i really thought it was the combo of skid+volcano+lungeiness=skivolvunged
Haha! I like the use of volcano. It makes me think I exploded!
I think it could be: skid+vulge+lunged.
P.S. Note that I made up the word vulged and that I only changed the middle word.
I have no idea.
i love this book its amazing lol
Thanks, Sol (which an amazing name because it is the name of the biggest thing in our solar system, the sun!)
That’s very nice of you thanks
try to find the L and I (in paragraphe they are not capatalized. look for it i dare you
It’s weird, but in the font on my computer it is VERY EASY to see the difference.
i found it
I found it! The pattern hurts my eyes though 8(
hi Cheesie here a word you’ll never figure out …… fugisummy see buhahahahahahahaha
Fudge is Yummy? (That may not be right, but Fudge is Yummy! Well, it is!)
yes your corect
Wow! I’m going to eat some fudge as a reward for good guessing!
what about this: angadappy
Angry and happy at the same time?
angry SAD and happy
i knew it
Hey Cheesie here’s a word 4 u.
Pljacanoive (4 words)
I have no idea what it means…and even worse, I have no idea how to pronounce it!
I forgot what it meant!
hey, cheesie, i have a word for you:crynortlaugh. try to figure it out(if you can)!
I guess it means to cry, snort, and laugh all at the same time.
wow the L and the 1 on your computer look SO alike thats really weird!! here it is on my computer 1l not as cole as yours though
I thought it was ski, revolve, and lunge!
That’s right. (lunge…lunged, no difference.)
I thought it was SKId+reVOLVe+plUNGED
I was so close!
I never thought of plUNGED. I think it’s just as good as lUNGED> I give you an A+ on this one!
Same here!
flipped over 10times
ina row in air with a
revolver running forward
Sounds way too dangerous if the revolver is loaded!
I’m always making up words like, rop (combination of running and hopping.)Also on my computer the lower case i looks like a number 1 see 1 i.Goodbyzo(wich is also a word I made up it is NOT a combination.)
your crazy friend,Ashley
That’s a weird word. I mean, what does skid even mean??
It is a weird looking word, isn’t it.
It means to slide, typically sideways or at an angle, on slippery ground or from stopping or turning too quickly
I knew that lunged was in it!
SKId reVOLVe lUNGED is what I think.
I thought that skivolvinged was skip, vault, and lunged.
i mean skivolvuged
o my goodness, i mean skivolvunged
Good try, but wouldn’t skip, vault, and lunged be skivaulvunged?
Skim (milk) vole (the animal)refunded…
so you milked a vole and got a refund!!
Haha! That’s the craziest answer I ever heard.
Can you guess what lantripacked means, I give you a guess
I lantripacted onto the ground
Hmmm. That’s a tough one. I guess…
land + trip + impact
Aw man, you were right!
Skied + vaulted(vol) + lunged
very creative!
That’s exactly what I guessed!!!!!!!!
Skived + Evovled + Surge
I thout the SKI in skivolvunged ment somthhing to do with a skink.
That’s weirdly cool. A skink is like a lizard, so that means I’d have to move in a wiggly way.
skim, revolve, plunge
And even one more good one! I could’ve SKImmed and plUNGED.
Another good one! I could’ve SKIed.
It could be SKIpped reVOLVed and lUNGED Cheesie Mack!
Good one! I could’ve SKIpped.
I think its a combination of Ski, Volvo (the car company) and lunge.
That’s pretty funny. If that’s true, it would mean to slide, roll or skid, and lunge.