About Me

Ronald 'Cheesie' Mack


Everyone calls me Cheesie, but my real name is Ronald A. Mack. The A is for Apton, which is a weird middle name. It’s my mother’s maiden name. I think most kids HATE their middle names. I actually don’t. R. Apton Mack is actually kind of cool sounding…but I like Cheesie best.

Here’s some stuff about me:

  1. I have brown hair, brown eyes, and three freckles on my nose. I also have a whitish scar on my thumb where a fishhook stabbed me when I was on a lake with my dad. I was eight and fooling around. Don’t ask.
  2. My birthday is August 16. I’m now 11, which is, IMO, a very cool age to be.
  3. My ears stick out. But you can probably see that in my picture above. It used to bother me, but now that I’ve written about my ears in my book, a zagillion (that’s a gazillion times bigger than a gazillion) people know, so I say…so what? And this is the last time I’m going to mention them on my website!
  4. I have three grandparents (plus one who died a long time ago), two aunts, two uncles, and two first cousins. I also have the meanest older sister in Massachusetts. Cheesie's Family TreeMaybe the United States. Maybe the world! Those tiny boxes and circles to the right are my family tree (which I made as a school assignment in fourth grade). Click on it to see it bigger and learn more about everyone in my family.
  5. I am a very fast runner. One of the fastest in my class, but I haven’t actually raced every kid. I’m on the sixth grade cross country team.
  6. I like sports. Especially baseball and soccer. And I’m a good swimmer.
  7. I read lots of books. Especially adventures.
  8. I love to write about my adventures.
  9. I love words.
  10. And I like making lists…like this one.

If you want to know anything else about me, just ask below.

See my family tree→

Start reading my first book→

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Comments from my Readers & Friends

  1. Hi Cheesie!!! You just came to my school a couple weeks ago. I go to McClure Elementary. I’m reading your first book. I am really enjoying it!

    1. I am a pretty good ice skater, but not great. Georgie is the same as me. But Lana is fabulous. She can do tricks like double toe loops and axels and things I do not know the names of. When she skates, people stop to watch. I think she could be in the Olympics if she practiced a lot.

  2. Does anyone check your books after you write them cheesie? And I mean anyone besides the publisher… >.<

    1. The publishing company has an editor who goes over them VERY carefully. He makes me rewrite them until they are perfect. In fact, I rewrote books #1 and #2 seven times after the first draft was turned in!

  3. In your books Goon seems so devious!
    Did you know you came to my school once!
    Braeside. Try to remember,I know you go to see a lot of schools!

    1. I like lots of food. I am not a picky eater at all. I even like okra, and I have eaten snails. Probably lobster is my favorite, but I like Mexican food and Chinese food and pizza and Indian curries, and Thai food, and steak and…

  4. Hi again. I just finished your first book. It was fantastic and I have not been bitten by a vampire.:-)

  5. Dear Cheesie,
    I here your good at racing bikes. If you want you can come to my house,it’s off of 41 which is at the very beginning of where it starts to dip. I bet I’ll win😎. But if you win I won’t care cause I already know you can beat Georgie.
    P.S this I want to do in the summer.

  6. You came to my school,Nichols Elementary in Frisco on December
    12,2013 and also I love that funny story you told us about you being
    a counsler when you were 19.Also I love your books!!!!!!

  7. hi cheesie you already know my name but i’m just going to tell you i’m in 2nd grade. now i’m pretty smart from reading all the books you wrote. but i liked all of them books their pretty fun to read and in school they have this thing thing called ar points.and i’m almost to 100 points!thanks for writing all thoesbooks

  8. It sorta stinks that I didn’t get to meet you. (For some majestic reason) I got sick on the day you were gonna come to Legged Elementary. 🙁

  9. I love your first book youve wrote so far. It’s very exciting and I’m almost through the book.

    1. I mean when you came to our school you told us things just came to your head from your childhood do you remember Leggee Elementary on October 1 2013

  10. Hi I’ve only read is cool in a duel and it’s really cool make more books!!

    Keenan 9

  11. Are you going to pot any other books in the library?I am reading one of your books.I am only on chapter2 but I an close to chapter3.

  12. I am from Tripp school and cheesie Mack where there all ready I just want to say hi and yo yo ma

    1. Hey! I LOVE your books! It’s very funny and entertaining. But, I have one question: When are you going to make your next book and what is it gonna be about? 😉

  13. Hi I’m from Kildeer Country Side School. I don’t know if u remeber me but before your visit I came in with my friend Olivia. I’m reading all the bluestems and I’m in the middle of your book right now and I have one question, what does (IMO) mean or stand for?

  14. when are you comeing to our school I cant wait please come soon we all cant wait to see you and read your new books please reaply soon love triniti dose gogie egist you do talk about hem a lot

  15. Cheese how r u doing so far? How many books will be in you’re series ? I LOVE SWIMMING and I’m good at it so it all adds up! well anyways I L O V E your books they r really awesome and cool. Do u think u will be able to make another series ? I hope u can and if you do I bet they will be great books. Do u think I could be a good writer ? Would u prefer a fiction book or non-fiction ? Sorry if I’m writing way to much . Have a good day and hope you finish all of your homework quickly so you can read my message ! Have a good day!!!

    1. Lots of questions, Christina.
      There will be five books in my series.
      I am excellent at swimming, too. It’;s one of my best sports.

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Welcome to CheesieMack.com (My real name is Ronald Mack)