About Me

Ronald 'Cheesie' Mack


Everyone calls me Cheesie, but my real name is Ronald A. Mack. The A is for Apton, which is a weird middle name. It’s my mother’s maiden name. I think most kids HATE their middle names. I actually don’t. R. Apton Mack is actually kind of cool sounding…but I like Cheesie best.

Here’s some stuff about me:

  1. I have brown hair, brown eyes, and three freckles on my nose. I also have a whitish scar on my thumb where a fishhook stabbed me when I was on a lake with my dad. I was eight and fooling around. Don’t ask.
  2. My birthday is August 16. I’m now 11, which is, IMO, a very cool age to be.
  3. My ears stick out. But you can probably see that in my picture above. It used to bother me, but now that I’ve written about my ears in my book, a zagillion (that’s a gazillion times bigger than a gazillion) people know, so I say…so what? And this is the last time I’m going to mention them on my website!
  4. I have three grandparents (plus one who died a long time ago), two aunts, two uncles, and two first cousins. I also have the meanest older sister in Massachusetts. Cheesie's Family TreeMaybe the United States. Maybe the world! Those tiny boxes and circles to the right are my family tree (which I made as a school assignment in fourth grade). Click on it to see it bigger and learn more about everyone in my family.
  5. I am a very fast runner. One of the fastest in my class, but I haven’t actually raced every kid. I’m on the sixth grade cross country team.
  6. I like sports. Especially baseball and soccer. And I’m a good swimmer.
  7. I read lots of books. Especially adventures.
  8. I love to write about my adventures.
  9. I love words.
  10. And I like making lists…like this one.

If you want to know anything else about me, just ask below.

See my family tree→

Start reading my first book→

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Comments from my Readers & Friends

  1. We are just a group of kids trying to have something awesome come up in our school!!!!

  2. Yay I will totally ask my teacher we need someone to come to our school it is not the best but I know u will love my whole school!!!!!!

    1. Okay I totally forgot! I am so sorry i will try and remember tomorrow but I don’t think I will remember!

    2. I did ask my teacher I didn’t forget! she said I have to ask the librarian I will try and ask her tomorrow and I will know for sure my teacher said that would be awesome!

  3. Hi again,

    What is the 6th book going to be called? I really wanna know. Ur books r sooooooo awesome

  4. Hi Cheesie,

    WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!! My little brother is acting like Goon!:( I need help!

    P.S Are you done with book 6 yet? ;( 😉

  5. Hi! My name is Jeremiah and I’m 11 too! I’m also in sixth grade. I loved “Cheesie Mack is sort of freaked out” Thank you for all the made up words, because I use the made up words to insult my twin brother without him knowing. This book was a really fun read, and so are all of them!

  6. if you want to know why I am not asleep,because i really wanted to talk to Cheesie Mack
    anyway bye agian I need to go to sleep

  7. Hi Cheesie,
    I really liked your book. Are you going to make a 6th book?

    😉 🙂

  8. Hey Cheesie,
    I edited my book. I showed it to an adult.(My library teacher) Now what do I do?


    1. Get someone you really respect to give you lots of comments about what you can do to make it better…and rewrite it.

  9. Hey Cheesie!
    Just wanted to say hi and your books are really awesome! Never stop writing books. But I have a suggest, don’t mention our website so much in your books, people will start thinking your obsessed with this website! Anyway, you seem pretty cool.

    – Tsega 🙂

    1. I am sort of obsessed with this website. I mean, don’t you think it’s cool for an 11-year-old to have his own really big website to go with his own bunch of books?

  10. Hi there Cheesie,
    Just wanted to say,I really like your books!
    I really liked cool in a duel! Keep writing,

    1. What’s so lovey-dovey about describing someone’s hair as black and shiny if it actually is black and shiny?

  11. hi Cheesie i like your books,especially CHEESIE MACK IS COOL IN A DUEL.and also, thanks for coming to my school Steve Cotler,Scotch College.

    Jordan Naidoo

  12. Hey Cheesie. I was wondering if you are actually 11 years old? If so, I am too. I enjoy your books very much, and love writing myself. I hope you continue writing. You should be very proud of yourself and of your accomplishments. Thanks for the amazing books.


    1. I’ve been to Canada and Mexico. I have lots of favorite foods, but I think I like lobster…no Mexican…no pizza…no…

  13. Even though I have only read a little bit of your first book it is great and it is cool you trained Deeb not to run out of the gully!

  14. Hi Cheesie. I am done with the book I wrote. What should I do now? I need help so please text back.

    1. If you have written a first draft, now is the time to show the book to several people whose opinions you trust (teachers, parents, librarians, friends, etc.) and ask them for constructive criticism. Then rewrite it and make it better.

  15. i love all your books cheesie! you are so good at writing… I love the book cheesie Is not exactly famous the most

  16. I love your books I have your first book I met the arther Steve Cotler he came to my school Richmond I Love you

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Welcome to CheesieMack.com (My real name is Ronald Mack)