Words That Sound Right (The stuff on this webpage was mentioned on page 105 in my book.)


I like words.

Well, duh! I write books.

I like the word speedily. It’s one of those words that sounds like what it means…at least to me. Some others are gargoyle—sounds monstrous and evil; lizard—sounds scaly and fast-moving; and carnival—sounds bouncy and fun.

I am building a collection of words like this on my website. If you want to add one to my list—and I don’t mean obvious words that imitate sounds like buzz or plop or fizzle—please enter it below.

Oh…and I’m not looking for the real definition of your word. Please write down the definition that you think makes the word  sound like what it really means…like I did above with gargoyle, lizard, and carnival.

    Tell me what your cool words are!

    Your First Name:

    Your Last Initial:

    Your Email Address:

    Your State or Province:

    Cool word:


    If I really like your suggestion, I’ll put it in my list below (with your name alphabetically), but it might take me a while, because my mom says homework comes first.

    If yours is a made-up word, it will be in  italics…like the first part of this sentence. It’s in alphabetical order by your first name. Or, you can click here to open the list in a new window.

    CheesieMack.com – Cool Words by stevecotler

    Book 1

    Mystery, mice, and money at the end of fifth grade!

    from my book

    read some

    back to the
    Genius List

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    Comments from my Readers & Friends

    1. i am o happy that i read your book ,it like ….. a piece of cake ……. like ( de – lo – sh – es ) – dont know how to write it – piece cake , and chieese have a nice story, that’s all and I dont talk English , soooo love you all

      sudiarabia ( i wish you know it )

    2. I have one! It’s craptastic. It means that it’s fantastic and very crappy! (Hehe)

    3. How about wheel? It sounds round, and fast, and useful for getting around. .P.S I have a cool grandparent name!. It`s haboba! [HUB-bo-ba.] The reason it sounds weird is because it`s in another language, Arabic. It means “Grandmother.”

    4. I hadn’t red the whole book yet but it was funny. The book mentioned about the web site so I taught why not look at it .

      1. I’m glad you visited and commented. Come back again when you’ve finished the whole book…and we can chat a bit because I live in New England, too.

    5. Dear cheesie an awesome word is fantabulous
      It means fantastic and fabulous
      From a student from Mrs. Hoescheles class

    6. Hey Cheesie!
      I looked online and saw the word ‘Fard’. I thought it was silly because it was real close to the other word ( that we all know ) LOL. By the way it means ‘to paint (the face) with cosmetics.

    7. I call my grandparents gramma and grappa. I woud love to be one of your sisters friends so I could be there to see her get pouding dumped on her head and make fun of her then ditch her. So would you want to be your sisters friend for just that reason? Please answer.:-D

    8. Hey Cheesie I loved your book cheesie mack is not a genius or anything.I read 3 chapters of the book and it was funny and awesome at the same time.Ok now lets switch the topic.I have a question.(Not tobe mean but)why are your ears sooooooooooo big?

    9. hey Cheesie your book:Cheesie Mack is not a geneus or anything
      was AWESOME!!!!!!
      I loved it!

      1. Definitely not! If she were, she’d probably stick me with her quills. (something weird with my website. This is actually a response to your porcupine comment.)

    10. Well, cheesie, you’ve done it again! Made a very interesting activity for the children ( and possibly some adults, too! ) and everyone has submitted some pretty amazing words! Here’s one I thought would be good for the list:
      For something to be
      ridiculous, fun, scary or

      Hope you liked my post! 🙂

      1. I DO like the word zany! in fact, I think YOU are zany for trying to impersonate my editor.

    11. Oh, really! My tution teacher said that it kinda mean ‘complicated’

      1. Actually it doesn’t exactly mean big. I looked it up. It means: important-sounding but actually not having very much importance or meaning.

    Comments are closed.

    Welcome to CheesieMack.com (My real name is Ronald Mack)