About Me

Ronald 'Cheesie' Mack


Everyone calls me Cheesie, but my real name is Ronald A. Mack. The A is for Apton, which is a weird middle name. It’s my mother’s maiden name. I think most kids HATE their middle names. I actually don’t. R. Apton Mack is actually kind of cool sounding…but I like Cheesie best.

Here’s some stuff about me:

  1. I have brown hair, brown eyes, and three freckles on my nose. I also have a whitish scar on my thumb where a fishhook stabbed me when I was on a lake with my dad. I was eight and fooling around. Don’t ask.
  2. My birthday is August 16. I’m now 11, which is, IMO, a very cool age to be.
  3. My ears stick out. But you can probably see that in my picture above. It used to bother me, but now that I’ve written about my ears in my book, a zagillion (that’s a gazillion times bigger than a gazillion) people know, so I say…so what? And this is the last time I’m going to mention them on my website!
  4. I have three grandparents (plus one who died a long time ago), two aunts, two uncles, and two first cousins. I also have the meanest older sister in Massachusetts. Cheesie's Family TreeMaybe the United States. Maybe the world! Those tiny boxes and circles to the right are my family tree (which I made as a school assignment in fourth grade). Click on it to see it bigger and learn more about everyone in my family.
  5. I am a very fast runner. One of the fastest in my class, but I haven’t actually raced every kid. I’m on the sixth grade cross country team.
  6. I like sports. Especially baseball and soccer. And I’m a good swimmer.
  7. I read lots of books. Especially adventures.
  8. I love to write about my adventures.
  9. I love words.
  10. And I like making lists…like this one.

If you want to know anything else about me, just ask below.

See my family tree→

Start reading my first book→

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Comments from my Readers & Friends

  1. Hi! You went to my middle school, Rundlett. I think your story about how you were a camp counseler should be shared with fans. I’m waiting for book 3 and am honored to know that you started a rough draft of book 4 at my school. Can’t wait!!!

  2. thank u for coming to Community Christian school. I was not because I was sick. I love your book infact my class is reading at school after lunch each day. I have a queistion for u. Who is G J Prot? thank u for your time!

    1. Her picture is on the cover of my book. I’m sorry you were sick, and I didn’t get a chance to meet you.

  3. thanks for coming to Sampson elementary. I really enjoyed your visit! You are really funny ( especially that scary story about the one-armed kid):)

  4. What do you and Steve Cotler have in common?
    Do you Steve Cotler travel all around the world to visit schools?
    What state do you live in?
    How long does it take you to write one book?
    I can’t wait to meet you on the 24th. 🙂

  5. how old are you?
    how old is Steve Colter?
    whats your fave color?
    can you make book #5 about Christmas?
    do you cheesie mack get into trouble out of school?

  6. Do you have any pets? Do you have video games (PACman or anything else)? How many? How many times do you see your family each year? Do you like steak?

    1. • I, Cheesie, have a dog. Her name is Deeb.
      • I do not play many video games because I am too busy writing books. Georgie is super good at video games!
      • I see my grandparents (Meemo and Gumpy) about three or four times a year. They live about 170 miles away from my house. You can see the rest of my family on my family tree <http://cheesiemack.com/family-tree/>
      • Yeah!

  7. What is book #4 going to be about? What is your favorite book that you’ve written so far? What is your favorite animal? Did you play an instrument when you were a kid?

    1. • I can’t tell you anything except it’s about being OUT OF TIME. I’m writing it right now. I don’t even have a title for it yet.
      • I don’t have a favorite book. I like them all…especially what I’m working on at the moment.
      • I like penguins.
      • I played piano and accordion (but not very well).

  8. What state does your author live in? Where were you born? What town in Massachusetts do you live in? How old is your sister? What was your favorite thing to do when you were eleven? What is your favorite color? Is your author’s favorite food Mac and Cheese? Do you really like cheese? Did your author play any sports when he was a kid? What is your favorite book?
    Can you make a book about Cheesie at Halloween?

    1. You ask a lot of questions, but here goes.
      1. California.
      2. I, Cheesie, was born in Gloucester, MA…where I have lived all my life.
      3. She is almost exactly two years older than I am.
      4. I am still 11…and I think writing about my adventures is my favorite thing.
      5. No. he likes mac ‘n’ cheese, but his favorite food is Mexican stuff, like chile verde con arroz y refritos.
      6. Of course I like cheese, but that’s not why my nickname is “Cheesie.”
      7. He was an all-star Little League catcher.
      8. I have too many favorite books just to pick one.
      9. Book #5 will be about Halloween.

  9. When did you write your first book? How old were you when you became an author. Did you want to do any other job before you became an author? What do you think your fourth and fifth books are going to be called? What are they going to be about? Are there going to be new characters in your next books?

  10. What is your next book going to be? How many books are you planning to write? How old is your author, Cheesie? We hope to read one of your books soon. Do you enjoy writing books? We can’t wait to see you in person at our school, Deerfield Community School.

    1. Lots of questions. Here are my answers.
      • “Cheesie Mack Is Running Like Crazy!” is #3
      • So far, my publisher wants me to write five books. I hope I get to do more…maybe 23.
      • Cheesie, me…I am 11.
      • I love writing books!

  11. I just finished your first book today. IT WAS FUNNY! I want to read your seconed book soon.

  12. how did you get these ideas of writing cheesie mack?I am from francone elementary ms.chaney class

  13. Hi Cheesie!!!! You came to Saint Agnes School in Arlington MA last year and my teacher told me your coming back this year in November.I’m so excited!!!!!! My teachers name is Mrs. Spinale look for me when you come i’m in Grade 4.

  14. hi im james you cvame to saint agnes school last year in arlington ma in september, and it was fantanstic! and i my teacher said your coming back in november. im reading your book a second time and i love it.

  15. Hey Cheesie we are reading your book in my school, my teacher is Mrs.Magnant she is a fifth grade teacher she read your book about 9 times

    1. I met her last year. I think she is the best 5th grade teacher in Massachusetts (except for Ms. Higgins, my 5th grade teacher(.

  16. You came to my school today!( September 24 2012) You were awesome! U signed 2 of your books for me thx!
    Ilove how you write! I am a Chessie Mack fan! 🙂 U tell the best storys! Can’t believe you scared the kids so bad! I was laughing SO hard! Thx for writing and coming to out school! You make me want to be an author when i grow up! You are the best! Thx! ~ Hannah

    1. Thanks, Hannah! The best way to become an author (and I know this sounds obvious) is to write. Write something every week.

  17. THis is my first time reading your books so far it is really awesome!!!!!!! it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I’m reading one of your books right now.I got the first one
    i do not think i can read this right now

    1. 1. I love my school. I have very good teachers (Mrs. Wikowitz is very hard…but also very interesting) and a super-good principal (Mr. Stotts) who is a very good guy.
      2. I LOVE baseball. It is my best sport.
      3. You would have to ask Goon that question. Maybe she has a mean gene !

  19. I am very excited! I want to read your book so bad!!! I think you are a great kid! I like you better that your sister Goon (june). Keep up the hard work Cheesie! I WILL read your book!:)

    1. It IS hard work to write a book, but I really like it. I am actually writing my FOURTH book right now!

  20. Mrs. Fritsch’s class at Warner would like to know if you have done anything mean to your sister.

    Would you aver write a book about Cheesie Mack’s sister?

    Have you ever gotten in trouble at school?

    1. Yes! Lots of times, but usually because she has done something mean to me first. (But not always.)
      Yes! She’s in every one of my books (she’s my sister and I live with her. DUH!)
      Yes! Sure. In almost every book. When you read Book #1, there’s the Mouse Plot! (In fact, I’ll probably get in trouble for writing this reply, because exactly right now I’m in my technology/computers class and I’m supposed to be doing homework instead of working on my website!)

  21. I can’t wait for your next book to come out, I’m soooooooooo happy I could screammmmmmmm

  22. Hi Cheesie Mack! I love your book and i have it right now! (well the second book cool in a duel.) At my local library i found the second book but can not find the first book. 🙁 ( i found cool in a duel at san pedro library.)Is it worth buying? its kinda weird to read the 2nd book first and the 1st book second. But anyway i love your book Cheesie Mack!are you making a third? Sorry for all the questions! Oh, one last question what is a imo (im only 9 going on 10 so.) Please write back soon! 🙂

    1. omg thanks for writing back cheesie mack!! thank you i will go to my library and try and ask for the book right away! oh btw thanks for telling me what a imo is!

  23. i was thinking… is your second book rare could not find it any where. tell me where to rent the book at a library in culver city, THX!!!!

    1. That’s weird.
      I checked with the Culver City Library, and you’re right. They do not have Cheesie Mack Is Cool in a Duel. but if you go to the library and suggest they get it, maybe they’ll order it. Tell them the book was picked as one of the best books of 2012 by the school librarians associations of both New Hampshire and South Carolina…and was named as the best humor book of 2012 (ages 9-12) by the Bank Street College of Education. Maybe that will convince them.

  24. Last year your first book was a class book.For my B-day I got your second book.My mom took a pic of that and it was the only one I smiled in!Ha,and I read it in a day so,double ha!

    1. What is a class book? Does every kid in the class read it?
      Hey, maybe I could come to your school. You should have your teacher or principal email me.

  25. I’m 13 and I just read your first book, I love it ! But my local library doesn’t really carry that many books and I can’t find your second one ! Is it worth buying ? Thanks

    1. Of course I’m prejudiced, but I think Cool in a Duel is just as good as Not a Genius or Anything. So, yeah…it’s worth buying. But you could also just ask your local librarian to get it for their collection. Sometimes they respond to requests like that. And to convince her, you could suggest she look at the reviews of the second book.

  26. I have read your 1st book it was really funny Im going to
    get the 2nd book keep writin’ Cheesie

    1. I’m already reading your 2nd book so far it’s really good
      I can not wait till your 3rd comes out also I’m 7
      but I’m really smart and………….. I read at 7th grade
      level in reading and math

    2. like nobody in my school reads your books Number one
      Too Hard/Number two can’t understand the books and
      Number three we never get reading time also you should
      read 9(American Chillers) there’s a new one called
      Manaic Martians Maroon the state you live but it’s not
      real though soooooooooo if it WAS real that would be terrible wouldn’t it Cheesie

  27. Hi Ronald-

    My nephews and niece are 8 and love to read. Are they old enough to read your books?

    1. Sure. The books are aimed at kids 8-12. I bet they’ll laugh.
      (Hey, aren’t you friends with some of my relatives? You could ask them becase I KNOW they’ve read my books!)

    1. Thanks, Lydia. I have actually heard from lots of older kids (and some adults) who liked it.

  28. Keep writing good books. I loved the first one so I am totally going to buy the second one too!!!

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Welcome to CheesieMack.com (My real name is Ronald Mack)