Your Earliest Memory?
Most grownups say that they can’t remember much that happened to them before they were four or five years old. I can remember stuff from when I was three.
What is your earliest memory?
Most grownups say that they can’t remember much that happened to them before they were four or five years old. I can remember stuff from when I was three.
What is your earliest memory?
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My first memory is when I was one year old and we went to Disneyworld. I am eight now.
I cannot remember aanything from when I was one.
Coming to my body from whatever place came before life
That’s amazing. Is that real…or are you making it up?
somebody yelling ”ever try those peanut crackers!?”
my real name is eli
l think l was half a year old.
Probably not. I read somewhere that a tiny baby cannot remember things because the memory part of their brain has not developed yet.
when i was 2 i remember jumping on a couch also i remember waking up on my 4th birthday
I remember my first birthday. Seriously. Not a lie.
Really? That sounds IMPOSSIBLE.
Well, it was possible for me.
Wow…all I can say is wow.
My earliest memory is when the car windows broke and we were going to michigan that day in the car so my mom and dad threw me and my brother in strollers( we were 3 and 1) and ran to the train station just as it was pulling in. Luckly we got on and got to the amtrack and made it to michigan to visit all my grandparents and anst and uncles and cosins.
That’s a very interesting memory.
Yeah i was 5 and I was in kindergarten
I think I was 2.
The earliest thing I remember is going on vacation with my uncle at the beach.
Crawling through a big red box when i was one year old.
To be honest my earliest memory is swiming around in my mother before I was born!
In a stroller on a walkway when I was 1 1/2.
Wow. That’s really young.
kissing a girl in kindergarten! i was a friendly kid and didn’t know better so don’t blame me!
OMG! That’s weird.
When I was about three or four I went on vacation to South Carolina. It’s been over a decade and I still have the necklace I got to make myself.
I wish I had more happy memories as a kid though. You and your friends are really lucky to be able to enjoy your childhoods to their fullest extent.
Yes, we are!
my earliest memory is……… going to Sanfinsico in a helicopter !!!!!!!! It was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was 1 year old and i went to Sanfirnsico in a helicopter!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot remember anything from that young.
I remember sitting in the garage blowing bubbles on top of a stuffed animal bear. I was two.
That’s really young. Good one.
I think my earliest memory was when I just turned one so one my birthday my parents were looking at the house we live in now and at the end of the day the said I was ” such a trooper”.