This is my report about Ötzi the Iceman.
September 14
Ronald Mack
Mrs. Wikowitz & Mr. Amato
Core & ScienceAssignment #16
Murder on the Mountain
In 1991, hikers discovered a mummified body in the Italian Alps. It had been frozen in a glacier for about 5,300 years.
At first, scientists thought the man, whom they nicknamed Ötzi (OAT-see), had frozen to death in a storm, but later they figured out that he had been murdered! They found a small wound on his shoulder with a flint arrowhead inside. He may have bled to death from a cut artery.
His artifacts included a copper blade ax, a bearskin cap, shoes made out of bearskin and woven grass, a knife, a sharpening tool, a fire-starting kit, a quiver of arrows, and an unfinished bow. He was about 5 ft. 5 in. tall, weighed about 110 lbs., and was about 45 years old when he died.
His clothes were a cloak made of woven grass and a coat, belt, leggings, loincloth, and shoes, all made from various kinds of leather.
By analyzing the elements in his teeth, scientists were able to tell that Ötzi grew up near the village of Feldthurns in northern Italy, very close to the Austrian border. They also examined the contents of his stomach and intestines and were able to determine that he had recently eaten goat, deer, and ibex (a kind of mountain goat), as well as some different kinds of grains and dried plums.
Finding Ötzi has been very important in helping scientists understand what life was like for prehistoric mankind.
If you want to tell me about reports you did for social studies or science, comment below.
You forgot the year on your report. Mrs. Wikowitz will give you an F
You are VERY observant. You are the first reader to notice that the year is MISSING!
(It was not missing on my actual report, so I did not get an F. I left it off my website on purpose.)
I studied it in World History last year(That was in 6th grade,too)! I remember there’s like 2-3 test questions about him during my first days of 6th grade. Even though I’m in 7th grade right now, I also have an article that was on our test talking about Otzi during Language Arts in my new school. Read my fish jokes!
My school taught me about ötzi the caveman. There is even a musuam to visit!
I had to do an essay on Ötzi too! It was in Social Studies.
Did you get a good grade?
Yeah, it was decent. I got a 93, but most people got a B. 🙂
93 is awesome!
I really like stories like this. Do you?
Of course! That’s why I included it in my book.
cool and creepy!
I agree!
Thatttttttttttttttt issssssssssssssssssssssssss sooooooooooooo cooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you got an f-no year is on the homework:)
that must suck
You are a really good detective.
I actually had the year on the report I turned in, so I didn’t flunk. I just forgot to include it when I put it online.
that’s really good
I once did a report on the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire. Second worst disaster to hit New York City.
I just asked Granpa if he heard of that fire and he said he was actually inside the building when it caught on fire…
But he was kidding.
cheesie come to maple and lets FIGHT TO THE DEATH IM SERIOUS
was it under 500 degrees and cool!!
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I heard about Ötzi. I saw him in my social studies textbook.
Me Gusta. I think you can guess why.
Because you like really cold things?
How come you can show this report,but not your primate one?
Different teachers have different rules…I guess.
thanks 4 the report
No prob.
i admit this is cool…………… sooo far i did not have to write any reports;) i am in 4th grade this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not cool. It’s frozen!
Ice cream is better! :):)