About Me

Ronald 'Cheesie' Mack


Everyone calls me Cheesie, but my real name is Ronald A. Mack. The A is for Apton, which is a weird middle name. It’s my mother’s maiden name. I think most kids HATE their middle names. I actually don’t. R. Apton Mack is actually kind of cool sounding…but I like Cheesie best.

Here’s some stuff about me:

  1. I have brown hair, brown eyes, and three freckles on my nose. I also have a whitish scar on my thumb where a fishhook stabbed me when I was on a lake with my dad. I was eight and fooling around. Don’t ask.
  2. My birthday is August 16. I’m now 11, which is, IMO, a very cool age to be.
  3. My ears stick out. But you can probably see that in my picture above. It used to bother me, but now that I’ve written about my ears in my book, a zagillion (that’s a gazillion times bigger than a gazillion) people know, so I say…so what? And this is the last time I’m going to mention them on my website!
  4. I have three grandparents (plus one who died a long time ago), two aunts, two uncles, and two first cousins. I also have the meanest older sister in Massachusetts. Cheesie's Family TreeMaybe the United States. Maybe the world! Those tiny boxes and circles to the right are my family tree (which I made as a school assignment in fourth grade). Click on it to see it bigger and learn more about everyone in my family.
  5. I am a very fast runner. One of the fastest in my class, but I haven’t actually raced every kid. I’m on the sixth grade cross country team.
  6. I like sports. Especially baseball and soccer. And I’m a good swimmer.
  7. I read lots of books. Especially adventures.
  8. I love to write about my adventures.
  9. I love words.
  10. And I like making lists…like this one.

If you want to know anything else about me, just ask below.

See my family tree→

Start reading my first book→

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Comments from my Readers & Friends

  1. Do you remember that day when you went to Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary? I’m one of the 5th graders you talked to. I thought the story you told about the time you were a councler in Maine and you told those boys about the fake story you read in the newspaper and later that night the councler came in and scared the boys was hilarious. I don’t own any of your books,but I look forward to buying and reading the funny things people say are in your books.

    Your Friend, Ryan

    1. Ashley River was great fun! First time I ever got introduced with music and dancing!

  2. Wow I can’t believe this is really happening always supporting awesome book thank you for comming to our school charles pinckney elementary school!!!!

  3. are you going to make an other book i think you should.your books are awesome! If you have an apple product get clash of clans get the clan castle and my clan is Rosevilleraider.if you have any questions about clash of clans you can email me back about your questions!!
    thank you
    Best wishes

    1. I am already up to my fourth book…and am working on #5. That’s why I don’t have a lot of time for video games.

    1. Are you kidding?! My mom would be really upset. She hates name-calling, but she kind of lets Goon get away with it more than me.

  4. I love the book Cheesie Mack Is Cool In A Duel,because I love the part when Ronald Lindermann scares Ty,Kevin and others I cracked up.I kept laughing hahahaha

  5. I got your first book as a prize for reading a lot. i have started reading it and cannot stop myself from LOLing(Laughing out loud)! I especially like the part when Georgie launched a balloon filled with chocolate pudding into the gully which landed into your backyard and landed where June aka Goon was playing with her friends

  6. I LOVE your book. I can’t wait to get the next book! thank you so much for writing these books for kids. I think it is laugh out loud funny:)

  7. You should play Fire Emblem:Awakening!It’s really good!!!

    …..Hey! one more thing if you have a 3DS anyway

    1. Hello Cheesie.I love your first book!I’s awsome!I can not stop LOLing!

  8. Hello chessie I’m reading your second book it’s awesome and it funny!

    1. Cheesie,I’m thinking tobe a author when I grow up,but can’t deside rather to be a pro tennis player[I just did a tournament yesterday]or an author.

  9. You knowin book #2 you asket why the skatebord gye doesn’t have a head , I have a idda, he fell off his skatebord.:)

  10. Dear chessie Mack,
    I enjoyed having lunch with you!
    I’m currently reading the 2nd book of yours! Thank you for coming to my school. You made my day!
    Your friend,

    1. I really liked meeting you. Thanks for convincing me to come to your school. (And HI! to your MOM and DAD!)

  11. hi i was at an event at school and mr.colter is really nice i love you books tonight im reading cheesie mack is cool in a duel and im on page 39 but this book is great!!!

    1. Huh? I like almost everyone in my class. Oh! I know what you mean. You are asking if I have a girlfriend. Answer: NO!

    1. i always thought that my stories could be funny in a book i hope you like them!

  12. I thought the idea of filling a slingshot with pudding when Georgie shot it at Cheesie Mack’s sister was funny.


  14. we love your book.we are reading it in school.we can’t stop laughing.this is kelsey,i wanted to know how many point do you and your sister have at the end of the serice.we have word contests every time we read the next week.kelsey again,not to brag but i won today i new the word for coin collecting i got a poka-dot pen and flower pattern notepad.olivia here I have not gotten a prize.

    1. I don’t tell the Point Battle score except in books. It’s too confusing. (I am glad you are laughing so much.)

    1. If you look on this page up above on the right, you’ll see the cover of my next book. Click on it.

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Welcome to CheesieMack.com (My real name is Ronald Mack)